As AICS Business Solutions, we are a company with competent engineers from the industry, which uses know-how, competence and market knowledge as service, chooses the best business partner for you in the implementation of your products and supervises your projects from the beginning to the assembly. With our strong network of suppliers in various fields and our many years of experience, we are able to meet your needs and requirements in the best possible way.


In our field of activity, we always keep our customer orientation with our products and services in international quality standards at the highest level; To continue to be a respected, reliable and preferred brand by growing it.
To continuously develop our services in all sectors, especially in the automotive and railway sectors, with the participation and support of our employees, in a quality and value-oriented, environmentally conscious, socially responsible, reliable, efficient and continuous manner.
AICS BUSINESS SOLUTIONS ÇELİK SANAYİ ve TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. employees, we adopt the Total Quality Philosophy as a continuous way of life and by internalising the customer-oriented process approach, we are committed to implementing national and international standards based on the principle of continuous improvement with the participation of all our employees; to comply with international and local legislation on environmental and occupational health and safety, to comply with ethical values and principles of social responsibility.
For this purpose;
· Training, authorisation and participation of all our personnel for the continuous improvement of the Total Quality Management System,
· Improving pre-sales and after-sales services by prioritising the expectations and requirements of our customers,
· Ensuring continuous satisfaction of our customers and suppliers and not compromising on quality under any circumstances,
· Meeting the needs and expectations of our customers who receive services from our company in a timely manner by using the available resources in the most effective way with our trained and experienced staff,
· Doing everything we do right the first time and continuously,
· To see respect for the environment and people as a principle, to attach importance to business ethics and to be committed to cultural values,
· To ensure that our quality management system is documented, certified and continuously improved by fulfilling the applicable requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, including legal requirements, customer requirements, specifications and legal requirements by acting in accordance with company principles and corporate identity,
· To make AICS BUSINESS SOLUTIONS ÇELİK SANAYİ ve TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. a part of the Quality Management System by working with our suppliers, employees and stakeholders in a team spirit and to ensure effective decision-making mechanism,
· Among our employees; Mobbing (Psychological Violence) and Bullying (Bullying) should not be experienced and experienced in any way,
· Protecting customer property with the highest level of confidentiality and reliability, preventing unauthorised use or disclosure
· By complying with the laws and international standards; to ensure that our employees are employed under conditions appropriate to their age, child labour will not be accepted,
· Bribery, corruption and all kinds of illegal activities will never be accepted,
· Respecting the rights of our employees, not allowing any discrimination or injustice in terms of working conditions, wages and rights,
It is our commitment as senior management to ensure the implementation and observance of our policy.

No matter what product segments, special raw materials or (semi-finished) products you need, we will give you access to our wide supply network.
We support you step by step: We select for you or together with you the appropriate suppliers and producers, take over the quality management, organize the storage and delivery and much more. Our procurement teams accompany your activities or handle the entire purchase for you on site – for the greatest possible delivery reliability, product quality and cost efficiency.